The Universe Story for Kids - Science for kids

The Universe Story Science for kids The Universe Story - Science for kids The Universe Story - Science for kids The Universe Story - Science for kids The Universe Story - Science for kids The Universe Story - Science for kids The Universe Story - Science for kids The Universe Story - Science for kids The Universe Story for Kids Previously, the Universe was inside a bubble. The bubble was thousands of times tinier than a pinhead. It was hotter and denser than anything! Suddenly the bubble exploded, and the Universe was born. With the Big Bang, the Universe grew from a very tiny atom. The time, space, energy and matter all began with the Big Bang . The Universe kept on growing and expanding still today. Teaching the universe story to preschoolers can be important for several reasons: Scientific Awareness: The universe story can introduce preschoolers to scientific concepts such as astronomy, geology, and physics. This can help them to devel...